WB26 Project Type documentation

Starting with ACE/TAO x.6.3 it is possible to generate project files for the WindRiver Workbench version 2.6 (VxWorks 6.4). We have validated the MPC support for the ACE lib, TAO libs and the TAO tests.

With VxWorks we have to do a cross build. The first step is to setup a host build, from this host build we use the gperf and TAO_IDL tools in the cross build.

The Workbench is using eclipse as framework and then has several WindRiver specific extensions. Part of the generation done by MPC is then specifically for the WindRiver tools, part is for the eclipse environment. The Workbench uses the fixed project filenames .project, .wrproject, and .wrmakefile. In the .project file the files in the project are listed, in the .wrproject the compiler and linker flags are defined, and in the .wrmakefile the custom build rules are defined, like triggering the IDL compiler.

By default the files are generated in the same directory as the MPC file. When you have multiple projects in one directory you have to add -make_coexistence to the invocation of mwc.pl Then for each project a new subdirectory will be created to store the files the workbench needs. If you run mwc.pl -make_coexistence from the ACE_wrappers directory you will get a lot of subdirectories in your tree.

By default we generate for the flexible build support, when you want to use standard build use -value_template standard_build=1.

To get a project with all dependencies create a new workspace file, f.e. vxworks.mwc

workspace(vxworks) {

You should generate the project files from a VxWorks development shell or should have executed the wrenv script. With x.6.4 or newer you do execute:

set ACE_ROOT=your_path
perl %ACE_ROOT%\bin\mwc.pl vxworks.mwc -type wb26 -make_coexistence

After you have generated the project files you have to import them into your current Workbench workspace with the following steps Open the workbench Select File, Import, General, Existing Projects into Workspace Select your ACE_ROOT directory and let the Workbench search for projects Select now the projects you want to import in the Projects list and select Finish After importing close the workbench Copy the prefs file to its location, see below Start the workbench again

The build order of the projects is stored in an eclipse file that is generated as workspace by the wb26 generator. After you have imported the projects into the Workbench close it and then copy the generated org.eclipse.core.resources.prefs file to the .metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.core.runtime\.settings directory of the Workbench and then restart the workbench again. Do note that the build order can only be generated for the projects that are listed in the MPC workspace. The other option is to use subprojects to which you can enable with -value_template enable_subprojects=1. There is a bug in Workbench 2.6/3.0 related to the build order, it is ignored if you use wrws_update to build the workspace from the commandline.

When compiling TAO you need to have tao_idl and gperf available. You can copy tao_idl and gperf manually to the ACE_wrappers\bin directory of your target build or you can specify an alternative tao_idl when generating the workspace like below.

perl %ACE_ROOT%\bin\mwc.pl vxworks.mwc -type wb26 -value_template tao_idl=$(HOST_TAO_IDL)
perl %ACE_ROOT%\bin\mwc.pl vxworks.mwc -type wb26 -value_template tao_idl=c:\tmp\tao_idl

When using the -expand_vars by default only the environment variables which match the wildcard *_ROOT are expanded. If you want to get other environment variables expanded (like WIND_BASE) you can specify these through the -relative argument or use a file that you specify with -relative_file. For example you can use the following relative_file which expands the environment variables listed.


We do have some limitations at this moment because of restrictions in MPC or the Workbench. We are working on resolving the MPC restrictions, the Workbench restrictions have been reported to WindRiver and are already converted to enhancement requests. It is important to get these enhancement requests implemented by WindRiver. As user you can have impact on the importancy of these enhancement requests, create a new TSR for WindRiver and ask WindRiver to implement these enhancement requests. Pleas let us know that you have done this so that we can inform our local WindRiver contacts. We also have a large list of POSIX enhancement requests, if you are interested in more POSIX compliance contact us to get this list. You need to close the workbench when generating the project files. The WB doesn't detect that the .project/.wrproject/org.eclipse.core.resources.prefs files got changed on disk (WIND00116553) You need to import, close, and then change the build order file (WIND00116553) When using includes/recursive_includes do not use . as path, but an environment variable which can be expanded to a full path (combined WB/MPC restriction) We need to generate full paths in the .project file because WB doesn't support relative files like ../MyHeader.h (WIND00116641) There is no dependency between the IDL file and the resulting *C.{h,cpp,inl} and *S.{h,cpp,inl} files. This is because the IDL compiler can't be integrated a real build tool because a custom clean step can't be defined (WIND00117037)